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NMN has been able to suppress age-associated weight gain, enhance energy metabolism and physical activity, improve insulin sensitivity, improve eye function, improve mitochondrial metabolism and prevent age-linked changes in gene expression.  This nucleotide acts as a precursor to NAD+. Supplementation has been shown to increase levels of NAD+ in the body, which has a variety of potential health benefits. NAD+ plays an important role in energy metabolism, and its levels decline with age. This may contribute to the age-related decline in metabolism and physical function.


NMN is a molecule required to produce NAD+, a coenzyme found and consumed in all body cells. Oral NMN is rapidly absorbed and converted to NAD+, allowing your body to experience the following:

  • Increase energy metabolism, allowing the production of more usable energy from nutrients.

  • Suppression of age-associated weight gain and a reduction in the age-associated decline in insulin sensitivity.

  • NMN improves both the efficacy and secretion of insulin.

  • Further clinical trials have been launched studying the understanding and therapy of NMN in age-related pathological diseases such as diabetes, heart failure, Alzheimer’s disease, and retinal degeneration.

In this day and age, it seems like everyone is looking for ways to slow down the aging process. Though there are many options out there, NMNhas been gaining a lot of attention lately as a promising anti-aging supplement. NMN, or nicotinamide mononucleotide, is a compound that has generated a lot of buzz in the anti-aging world. 

This NAD+ precursor has been shown to reverse age-related gene expression changes and improve mitochondrial function, offering potential benefits for everything from skin health to cognitive function. Here, we’ll take a look at what this compound is, how it works, and the potential benefits associated with it.

What is NMN and how does it work? 

Looking to Boost Your NAD+ Levels?

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